Half Circle Restaurant Booths

During this time of year when the heat of the summer is cooling and the fall weather is on the way, we think ahead to winter and the preparations that need to be done. Order a cord of wood or two, put together the new log wood rack to store it in and get the flue checked by a professional.  But wait, you’re not done.  Two of the most important fire prevention tools you have need attention, fireplace screen and a half circle hearth rug.  These two items can prevent a devastating home fire.  Case closed!  We will look at a fireplace hearth rug in this article, tune in later for the rest of the story.  Page two.

All of the carpet sold in the United States must meet a government standard.  This does not mean as consumers we always put the correct rug in front of the hearth.  Check the rug for compliance.  If you have been using a rug and do not know if it is compliant, don’t.  Get rid of it now.  Get up from the computer and do it now.  OK, point made.  This is important, for a single spark could quickly turn into a whole house fire.  By the way check the batteries in the smoke alarm.  Properly constructed hearth fireplace rugs are a second line of fire defense.

Of all the fireplace hearth rugs available in the marketplace today, fiberglass fireplace rugs are excellent choices.  Fiberglass is spun glass which is a non-flammable product.  This is brilliant, a rug that will not burn right in front of the home’s hearth.  This is protection at its best. If a spark gets past the fireplace screen it should be stopped in its tracks.  This kind of rug is incredibly strong.  The dog or the kids will not tear this one up.

There are many good quality hearth rugs that are fire resistant. When buying a new rug check out the label.  There will be terms like fire resistant, flame resistant, 100% wool, nylon and polyester.  Rugs are made from all these materials and have different code ratings.  Read and understand the labels.  Talk with the sales person and if they are clueless take a hike.  Even online send an e-mail or call the 800 number and make sure you know what you are getting.

Have a safe and warm winter with many family memories from the fireplace.  Have the flue cleaned and burn dry hard wood.

Touch to Call!